well we are still working on it if you have any specif demand or your opinions you can ask me on my fb account or email me at rustles01@gmail.com
eM juSt a sImple uSer of bLogger mY nAme is rAzi nD eM 22
iTs mY fAce boOk lInk
i jUst sTart tHis bLog to mAke yOu eAse to gEt evEery thIng hEre nD i wIll tRy mY bEst tO dOnt bOthEr yEw tO fInd fOr anY tHing itS mY pRomisr wId yOur sUppoRt evEry tHing you wAnt wIll b hEre
nd lAst bUt nT leAst dOnt fOrget tO gIve mE sugGestion
oN oUr fAcebOok page
tHanks aLot